i didn’t vote today. no excuses. it’s my day off; i could have made it. there’s still plenty of time; in all honesty, i just. don’t. care.
i’m tired of it all. don’t get me wrong, i am proud to be an american. except for the endless mudslinging, the lies, the dems vs. reps. vs. independ. abortion, gun control, tax breaks, tax hikes, vote yes, vote no, vote for me, wars, budgets, nuclear arms….dear night. that’s not even anything compared to the big picture.
i’ve lost track of what the real issues at hand really are.
if someone could please break down the issues into black and white, A and B, with out a voice over that isn’t paid for by “the friends of”, or “the party of the betterment of”. simple. easy.
party A stands for this. No pictures, no male or female, no party labeling.
same with party B. and party C.
I’m not saying that you all don’t have it figured out. if you follow the politics, and you have a passion for the politics, and you know what you get out of the politics… welp. i’m very happy for you.
personally, i see too many lies, people promise and don’t fulfill, the public gets angry because they couldn’t get coffee because they were instead at the poles, the cool kids pick on the dorks for voting for the wrong guy. all the noise, Noise, NOISE.
it’s a rocking chair effect, it gives you something to do, but are we really going anywhere?
i don’t know anything about politics. i’ve never claimed to. i partially blame myself for “not getting involved”, but i mostly blame society for not being able to have a rational discussion with me about it. there’s always finger pointing, yelling, and the heated discussions that seem to go nowhere. the “I don’t know i’m right, but dammit, i’m RIGHT” syndrome.
the world will still be corrupt, my tax money will still be spent on things that i have nothing to do with, and at least have of society will be angry for the next few years over not winning what they thought was the biggest prop ever to surface.
i’m ok with my choices. i’m alright knowing that i have my own agenda to follow. there will still be construction, and pot holes, and traffic problems… i’ll take a different route. there will still be wars, and budget problems, and tax issues…. i’ll do my best as a citizen to be understanding and pay them as i always have done.
today, it’s just not worth the effort to make an ill-informed punch on a card because that’s what a commercial told me to, or what my friends like, or how my father feels about something.
today, it’s not a battle to get out and have the guilt of “making the wrong choice” hang over my head and having a sticker to prove it.
today, it’s about having people who really believe that they know what is best for everyone else make choices. it’s about letting the people who are truly more informed cast the ballot.
today, it’s about my bathrobe and couch and movies.
i vote for my day off.