Thursday, September 16, 2010

it's because of Reverend Fox.

some people shop. i don't have the money. some people party. i don't have the tolerance. some people so to therapists. i can't bear the thought of having to PAY someone to listen to me, poor thing. my therapy is painting. picasso be dammed, i paint walls. rooms. trim. doors. it shuts me up and makes martha stewart proud.

the painting is something i do to clear my head, and the paint fumes make things more interesting. i should mention that i do all the painting, taping, clean up ALONE. because it's not fair to yell more at someone else who drips on the floor less than yours truly. usually clearing out the ol' cranium is a ridiculous smattering of thoughts that would confuse an expert on ADD. tonight was different. i was asked a question a few weeks ago... and it's stuck in my head.

"why on EARTH would you marry another christian high student???!!!"

the answer is: Rev. Fox.

that's right. super joe. the rev. the keeper of the fox-box.

if you would have told 17 year old me and my perm that we would be marrying a boy from the same polka-dotted halls.... 17 year old me would have replied with an eye roll and "psshh. as if!" mostly due to the fact that i'm pretty sure that none of the guys from the polka-dotted hall saw me as anything but a girl that laughed too loud and had bad hair. (both are true) high school is... well.... you all know. you've all done it. but, KCHS is a little different. if you didn't go there... feel free to tune out. i totally understand. i'll get back to you guys in another blog.

i'd ask if you remember chapel... and then i'd feel stupid because how could you not? if you were sneaky enough to somehow manage to sneak out of the walk between homeroom and the gym to attend to "more important issues", well, nice work. (and for the record, the rest of us knew that you were at sweetwaters. or smoking up on westerns campus.) chances are still pretty good that you attended at least one. (hopefully the one where we dropped all the pennies because that was pretty amazing) anyway.... the rev. joe would be up there, preaching away, singing heartily... oblivious to the fact that there was a pretty small group paying attention, not passing notes, not changing words to songs, not counting the minutes until the group that didn't successfully escape the herding, could get the donuts after chapel.

christian high is something else. i loved high school and am eternally grateful for the education i recieved there.... i realize that this is not the norm. not everybody felt that way or had a great time. but we all had chapel. we all had 4 years of bible. we all had to sit in bio and smell the formeldehyde of the cats that would be disected. we all took a computer class before the internet was even a thing.

there's only 500 people or so that can relate to that..... KCHS from 1991-1995. there's only about 120 of us that look back at the class of 95 and ask "when did we get so old?".

so there, my friends, is your answer. you marry people that understand things no one else does.

it doesn't have to be from high school.. because lets face it.. it IS a little strange. it's from college, from work, from church, FROM LIFE. people are put in our lives every day... it's up to us to figure out why they are there.

so thank you... ALL of you. you've all fit into my life so perfectly.

oh.... and thanks for loving me in spite of the perms. and tight rolled, tapered leg jeans (you did it too)