let's talk, shall we? or given the circumstance, i'll type and you read.
this whole "where do you set your purse, but keep it a secret from the guys" thing really drives me nuts. i hate it. WHO CARES? i read a few posts from a friends page yesterday.. and it really got me thinking....although, one could probably put plastic wrap in front of me and i would ponder that indefinitely also. my friends friend was arguing the fact that posts like this "overtly sexualize facebook"....at least that's what i think she was trying to say. i thought that was HILARIOUS, being that facebook is probably pretty darn tame compared to what a few simple clicks could find you. the internet isn't known first hand for it's wealth of knowledge. that's neither here nor there.
the point of all this, the part that bothers me-infuriates me- is the part that wants us to believe that men are so stupid, so meatheaded, so clueless... that they can't figure this out. what we are really showing ourselves is that WE are so stupid, so SELFISH, so egotistical as females.
i waited on a table last night. a young family with four kids under the age of four. i watched the poor husband drag in child after child while his wife pointed the way, barked the orders, tried to run the whole circus. now, i don't know anything about this family and their dynamic... but my heart bleed for this poor guy. he was obviously just out of work for the day, and every choice he was contemplating for dinner was met with a contradiction from the wife. poor guy just wanted a beer. she made him drink diet coke. he wanted alfredo, she made him get marinara. he was deflated, sad, tired. the wife and husband didn't talk. or sit by each other. it was about the hellions.... er, kids.
I'll stop to take a breather here. mothers, please pay attention here. please. i understand that mothers are different. kids first... and please don't give me that shit about me not understanding "because i don't have kids". on the contrary, i have 3. i didn't birth them, but they are still my kids. end of debate. no, i'm not done. if i hear this anymore, about my not understanding what it's like.... trust me, i wouldn't stick around to see my reaction. breather over..
i'm just gonna say it.... his balls were in her purse.
now, i carry a lot of stuff in my purse. but i don't want any balls in my purse. call me crazy, but i don't want them. probably no more than you'd care for a uterus in your wallet. that was gross. sorry.
ladies, please give your husband, boyfriend, significant other, his balls back. let him make his own choices, live his own life, let him be respected. he is a PERSON, a HUMAN, a MAN.
let's stop this demoraliztion of males. don't make them buy tampons, or hold your purse, or iron your panties ( unless you designated chores, but seriously, who does this?). he provides for you, he loves you, he does a LOT. give the man some credit, a voice; let him watch the game, play video games at obscene levels, and paint his body for football games. let the boys be boys.
and when you do give him his balls back.... realize that he's not an idiot. he just let you hold onto them so you'd shut up.