Wednesday, September 22, 2010

hey... it's ok to to be appreciated more for your brains than your bra size.

because i do things on my own time (i prefer to think of my self as a trend "setter" not a "follower"..well, usually. sometimes. not really so much) i tend to be a little late getting on the band wagon, if i care to even glance at the band wagon. some band wagons are really worth taking a look, and ride on. My very dear friends, Maryann (of, Nancy (of and Sarah (of all took the blogging steps before me... and i still have much to learn from these pioneering creative souls. BUT, as per my style... i'm doing it (hence the last one in the pool. eh.. get it? GET IT??) maryann had this great idea (albeit, borrowed from glamour magazine..but a fantastic theft still) and, in the spirit of friendship, i'm taking it to be my own. except on wednesday.

hey... it's ok.....

* to be upset that you lost the Wii in the custody battle, but only because you didn't pay for it in the first place

* to say that american pickers was deleted from the DVR because "A&E won't record things on their channel". except hoarders.

* be really really really excited about the "Big Bang Theory season 3" that just came out on DVD, but only because the other 2 seasons are so lonely on the shelf.

* to block your step kids off your facebook page because you're pretty sure that their mom is reading your posts via them.

* to leave a candle unattended ONCE in a while.

* to think other people my age are getting so old.

* to rather watch Dexter because it makes me think, than to watch Jersey Shore because it makes me want to pull my face off. and also, blood and guts are cool.

* to believe that a bottle of wine seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to have for dinner

* to read the book and have no interest in the movie. however... if is NEVER ok to do the opposite.

* to still hang out with your ex's friends. simply because they are incredibly cool people. and he got the Wii

* to have the NERDIEST netflix queue ever.. and be excited about it. biographies, indies, documentaries... lets talk!

* and on that note... to be appreciated more for your brains than your bra size.