Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?

truthful tuesday.  while i'd love to puke my dirty little secrets all over the internet, i can honestly say that's probably not the best idea i've ever had.  you'll have to settle for more of my tamer stuff. today i'm dealing with quotes.

some of the coolest people i know quote things right off the cuff.  inspirational, or music lyrics, or entire book paragraphs (i used to quote an entire page from The Babysitter's Club because it was obnoxiously impressive, not because it was outstanding literature.)   i admire people that can whip out a quote at exactly the right moment...that exact moment when you want to punch them in the face because the last thing you wanted to hear was something good ol' ben franklin said when his life was a little tough. anyway..

i will fall madly in love with you if you quote movies.  i'm not talking about running away with you and having your babies madly in love, i'm just in love with you and your knowledge of them.  it shows you're smart, witty, and have impeccably good timing. a well placed quote earns you 50 cool points and 10 gold stars.

mortuary school was (at times) tedious.  i was so lucky to be surrounded by moving quoting savants.  we even came up with a few movie quoting quizzes (which may or may not be the reason i didn't understand accounting).  good friends laugh at your stupid quotes; the best friends finish the quote for you. 

there's a few things i've learned over the years from the masters of this gift.

* one can't just pull out any movie  ie.don't play the "Gone with the Wind" card when the obvious card was "Casablanca".  you'll just look like a fool.  then we make fun of you. (and quote some Adam Sandler movie about what a douche you are..... see how that works?)

* seeing above, one needs to know a wide array of movies.  if you want a hundred cool points, know the year and director to back up your credibility.

* seeing above (again), there are only a select few movies that can be quoted indefinitely.  this is sometimes touchy as preferences vary from individual to individual; genre to genre; situation to situation.  a few of my favorites are as follows (in no specific order): Can't Hardly Wait, Sixteen Candles, Star Wars, and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. 

side note..... along with my music, i've never ever claimed to have fantastic taste in motion pictures.

                       some movies that can (and should) be used frequently (i'm not italicizing.. you get the point           *Jaws
          *Animal House...
          *National Lampoons European Vacation, or Christmas Vacation.  no more.
                             (no one will have any clue what you're talking about)
          *Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.   no singing.
          *Ferris Bueller's Day Off
          *A Christmas Story
          *Fight Club
          *Wayne's World
          *Monty Python/ Holy Grail/ Life of Brian.
          ANY (yes, ANY) Adam Sandler movie....... but especially  Billy Madison.

*there's no need to preface your quote.  the best ones come at a time that's usually highly inappropriate.

* if you do choose to take the highly risky, often unobtainable accent that the quote needs... be cautious.  the accent makes or breaks it.  i can pull off an exact "Elllioooot" from ET.  but that's about it.  nothing is sadder that some one trying to pull off a Joe Pesci, only to sound like a Jim Bruer version of Pesci.
    Also, be sure of the dialect..... nobody can figure out a german/canadian/pirate when it should have been italian.

if there's something that doesn't make sense on my page, it's probably a movie. if i say something to you that makes less sense than usual, it's probably a movie.  if you respond in quote, finish my quote, or trump me a quote.....  i will probably be in awe of your brilliance.

party on, dudes.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

can you reply your life via your ipod?

i have a really hard time saying "no".  i get it from my mother.  i suppose it's not the worst quality i possess, but i fight with it.  "hey jen, could you give these flea ridden cats a home?" yes.  "hey, jen. .. could you pick up a shift in between your other jobs?" yes. "hey jen, could you stick your hand in the drain since something probably died down there a year ago and i lost my earring?"  yes.  i should probably just walk away any time i hear "hey, jen".

the "yes, man syndrome" has consequences....although i'm hopeful that there's a gabillion gold stars in my karmic future.  i work too much, i sacrifice time with family, i dig through dumpsters for perfect strangers dental devices, and clean up other peoples messes....literally and figuratively.  i'm somewhat of a human bandaid; the mediator.  i'd prefer to label myself as the voice of reason.... but for fear that would make me a giant liar.  my reason and logic are perfect in my head, but my lack of filter often causes trouble in translation. (i don't mean any harm to you (usually.  you'd be plenty aware if i did.  no misunderstanding there)).  the result is me also making poor choices. this isn't going where you're expecting.  actually, i've completely lost my train of thought and have no way to bridge these 2 segments together.  i don't know where i was going.

i'll just cut to the point (?  point?  really? ignore that.  no point here.  ever)    poor choices and music. 

i've never really been "known" for anything.  i'm not the girl with the great fashion style, or the employee that rolls silverware perfect, or having a  photographic memory, or having the laundry done and put away (that's REALLY funny). if anything i can stake as my *claim to fame* is my exceptional taste in poor music.  some would probably argue that it's my exceptionally poor taste in exceptionally poor music.  i'm partial to the former.

my argument is the basis that music represents a time in my life that was meaningful.  a melodic time stamp, if you'll allow me.  i can hear a song and remember where i was, what was happening, and the exact emotion i felt (and still feel) from it. happy, angry, excited, confused, in love, hating love...etc etc. 

i like visual examples.  i will hereby project visual examples onto your screen and earworms into your canals.  you can thank me later.

i blame MTV for starting me off with this. i'm 4... and very impressionable.

my first cassette tape.  my first true loves.

the first song that i ever danced with a boy.... 7th grade. we "broke up" after mili vanilli did.  he gave me a New Kids on the Block tape. (i'll spare you that video..i guess because this one is better?)

the song from high school... the boys, the jobs, the boys,the football games, the boys

oh look.... we're cruising westnedge.  looking for boys in my parents delta 88. we're also at keggers bar.  a lot.

i'm a freshman at WMU.  there's no way you can prove that we stole these cafeteria trays to sled down the valley 2 hill with, officer. and who punched a hole in the fire extinguisher glass, boys?

i'm divorced.  and i still hate this group.

i partied too much, never came home, and had the some of the best years of my life. this song says it all.

i broke up a life long friendship due to an argument over this.  true story.  they're still not very close friends.

this.  just this.

i'm growing up. i "get" this.  it kills me every stinking time.... my heart is in here.

this. is. my. anthem.  THIS IS ME.

i could do this forever.  i love this.  judge me all you want.  my cd collections are jumbled, sporadic, seizure inducing mixes of mayhem.  they tell my stories, speak the words that my heart can't find in it's pain,... make me laugh that i, at one time, could cabbage patch and roger rabbit along with my friends to vanilla ice.  music is my boyfriend.  my first love, my perfect love.

it's bad music.... i know.  make fun all you want, but be a teeny bit jealous... can you reply your life via your ipod?  after all, it's my music, my life.   same as it ever was.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Tao of Pooh and how to just BE.

a very wise soul once quoted to me:

""Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."
 (The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff)

the entire book is full of genius.

i'm fortunate to have people in my life that can understand me.  we're all complicated creatures....extremely complicated.  you're a very fortunate person if you have people that continue being friends with you after they find out who the true you really is.... if you've dared enough to expose your soul to them.  i am lucky to have a few people in my life that sense when i need them.  they can read between my writings and see what my mood really is.  they have the uncanny ability to call when i was thinking about them. there's an understanding there; a comfort; a simplistic complication of  trust, chemistry, and  acceptance.

a true friend tells you the truth about you.  they make you analyze yourself, push you, and somehow, you end up bettering yourself.   ideally.  unfortunately for the ego, this is awful.   i've learned that i'm stubborn, opinionated, kinda bossy.  i also am demanding, hot tempered and have extremely high levels of expectations for other people-sometimes unrealistic expectations.    in all fairness, i didn't need to learn this- i know this.  but i needed to hear it.  we ALL need to hear it.....if not to be humbled then to improve.  these are characteristics that i am actively working on (i really am.  really).  with the "negative" feed comes the positive.. the ying and yang. the perfect balance.  i'm also considerate, a deep thinker, the eternal realist, a consistent loving listener and strong giver of advice, and the reliable sense of humor (dark humor... and often poor humor..but humor). i also push people to open up and be the best..to be what i see inside them.  and i give great hugs.

struggling with some of these concepts lately, my phone rang.  the wise soul that quoted  to me earlier is on the other end.   aforementioned soul  (hereby known as "soul") "knows" me, the real me...flaws and perfections.  the conversations are and have always been deep,intense, heated, competitive (in the best competitive way).  soul listens while i jabber on, questioning questions and (over)analyzing splitting hairs. soul says to me something that soul has said many many many times to me (that may be my most favorite thing i have ever written right there) "Jen, stop.  JUST BE."  

i've heard this for years.  and for the first time.... i listened.  i stopped.  i took a week off of analyzing (A WEEK! i know! )  i let the chips fall where they did.  i didn't push, or pull, or argue, or debate.  i didn't analyze, scrutinize, or any other type of "-ize" .  i simply was.  i was be (it makes sense.) .   one of the best pieces of advice i've ever taken.  in the quiet of my mind, i listened to myself; i heard myself.

it's been a couple weeks since i was just be (it makes sense).  life gets crazy, the voices get loud.... the just be gets pushed aside a little, but i'm finding it's getting easier to apply the just be. 

"You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are."---The Tao of Pooh

"Everything has its own place and function. ....... When you know and respect your Inner Nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't belong"--The Tao of Pooh

So there you have it.  a few simple words to change your life.  Just.  Be. 
LISTEN to the people in your life... HEAR what they say...... in doing so LISTEN to yourself, HEAR what you say.... i will continue to just be. i don't need to run the world, or babysit the public.(i will however  continue to be darkly humorous and roll my eyes)..... the only thing i need to concern myself with is just being.  the rest will fall in place. 

thank you, soul.  you're pretty darn fantastic...and wise beyond your years. i am incredibly blessed and humbled to have you in my life.

"While Eeyore frets ...
... and Piglet hesitates
... and Rabbit calculates
... and Owl pontificates
...Pooh just is."

Monday, October 18, 2010

Illustrating the Diversity of the Word ..... ..........

it's that time of year again.  the leaves are changing, the air is crisp in the morning, and there's too much Halloween candy at my disposal.  i used to love Halloween.  we never bought our costumes, we always made or borrowed them.  i suppose it didn't matter what we wore, because we always had to cover it up with winter jackets or layer it over long underwear and sweatshirts.I'm pretty sure there were a few costumes over snowsuits and boots.  times have changed, the weather in Michigan doesn't..... so I'm wondering why these girls run around in no clothes on Halloween.

now... before you think I'm about to get all preachy...I'm not.  i don't care what you do, or who you do it with, or how you do it.  your life.... your shit.  i don't mind that you wear a bra and panties and run around at parties calling your costume "Victoria's secret angel" or "super sexy construction worker" etc. etc. i just want to know WHY you would subject yourself to the cold.

don't get me wrong..... i was once in my 20's with a tight little body that gravity hadn't sunk it's dirty little claws into..  i've worked in a few restaurants with semi-questionable attire. I've bartended at places where we hula hooped or line danced on the bar.  i'm no stranger to late nights out, or massive hang overs, or the thoughts that go hand in hand : WHAT happened last night??? which is followed by: i'm NEVER drinking again.     there's been stories, and fights...laughs and tears. .... i'm still known to "tie on one" every now and again.  but this time, now, i'm not waking up on my couch with an ironing board, resistance band, and a bag of cheetos on me. i can't.  it seems to take literally weeks to recover from a bender. 

and then there's the respect i have for my husband's sobriety.

Halloween is a big deal in this house....not because I'm a funeral director   (go on, split hairs... I'm working as a waitress, but i do have a funeral directors license.  just be quiet and continue reading)...ironically, Halloween here is about life.  Cory will be 8 years sober on Halloween.

his story isn't mine to tell.  I'm only still beginning to understand so so so much of the life of an alcoholic and addict.  i knew this going into our relationship  there have never been any secrets; honesty is a very big part of recovery, so all my questions were respectfully answered.  i ask a lot of questions. repeatedly. 

this has been the most fulfilling/challenging/emotional/loving experience i have ever had.  to put this in a nutshell, i have nothing but the utmost respect and love for any person that can put their life under the microscope, analyze it, and change it.  all of it.  every thought, every action, every concept.  changed.  wiped clean.  start over.  brand new,
working everyday to fight the only thing you have ever known.

unfortunately (well, fortunately. actually) out with the old.  the old ways are gone and so are the old friends cory had. it's a touchy subject, but i'm braving the front.  my husband is more important to me than the feedback i could potentially receive off this.   i often get asked why cory is distant; why he doesn't hang out with his friends that he's known for decades. 

because they will kill him.   literally.

he's worked too hard at sobriety to make one move with the wrong crowd.  he's smarter now; more self aware.  he's too respectful to say the things i'm dying to get off my chest for his sake.  so dammit... i'm talking about it.

 i had this whole big diatribe written and erased it.  my point is this (fair warning that my language WILL be graphic here)

exactly who in the fuck do you think you are offering to celebrate cory's sobriety by taking him out for a beer?

(this has happened on more than a few occasions.) 

what kind of sick, diluted, souless shell of a creature are you that this is even remotely acceptable?  it's a joke, you say.  it's disgusting.  it's like me asking your parent who is dying of lung cancer to go out for a smoke.  see?   not funny. 

it's almost worse seeing it in writing,  i'm so furious now that if i keep writing, i fear this could rival the infamous f-bomb rant from the "Boondock Saints."
what the hell.  i'm in a mood.

so there's that.  respect what he's gone through.  respect him as a person.  but most of all respect him as a sober, hard working, evolving, productive member of society.

ps.  if you want to take somebody out to celebrate... take me.  i've got a few good spars left in this gravity laden body.

Friday, October 15, 2010

only when you pry this pen from my cold, dead hand......

i received my first journal as a graduation present.  graduation from high school.  remember pens and paper? (i'm only slightly older than stone tablets and the invention of the wheel).  there's something incredibly therapeutic about going back in time in these journals (there's 7 of them, plus about 10 legal pads and COUNTLESS loose leaf papers).  i look back and most notably, i see that my handwriting has changed drastically.  it's grown up.  

ahhhhh.... to be 17 and have the world encrypted in pink pen,  the i's dotted with hearts and smiles as punctuation.  the original emoticons. the universe was my oyster....shiny, promising, a blank slate.  the majority of the entries that were of "earthshaking proportions" then (this boy said that, this boy doesn't know i exist, do i buy tapes or CD's, why are Girbaud jeans SOOO expensive, mom and dad think they know everything) are completely absurd to look at now.  so naive.  so simple.  so..so...pure.  so unscathed.

i left for college that fall.  by left, i mean i moved from my parents house into the dorms at WMU downtown.  a whole 4 miles.  my journals went.  college was awful....  i hated 99% of it..... why i left is another blog entirely.  my writing in this time is scratchy, angry, unidentifiable.  in 6 months, my pink hearts went to black rainclouds.... seriously.  my i's are dotted with rainclouds.  i was angry, hurt, empty, alone.  my life was changing.

i got married shortly after  i left WMU.  that, my dear friends, is a blog that will never be written.  it is a blog that is in my heart, mind and past that i keep to myself.  if we are close, you know all you need to know.  but a little snippet from then to (put things in perspective, i have about 3 full journals from after high school till the time i was married.) there is NO journal writing in the 3 years i was married.   

after the divorce, the journals reappeared....as if with vengeance.  i wrote constantly, feverishly, honestly, and heartbreaking.  words poured from my heart, tears from my eyes. so many of these pages are blotted with tears...making the ink bleed.  (you should probably know that i'm kind of a pen snob.  ok.  i'm a really big pen snob...i'm also a wine snob, a shoe brat, and a purse whore). the things i wrote for these years are in a strong, confident, precise script.   in this time, i kissed my far share of frogs and still wrote about stuff that was ironically the same as before (what did he MEAN by that, why doesn't he understand blahblahblah, why are cars SOOO expensive, why are mom and dad ALWAYS right) 

i quit journaling sometime after one of the frogs thought he had the right to read what i had written.  he breached my trust and took the liberty of picking my brain and my thoughts, my fears, my hopes, my dreams, my complete rawness.... by reading them.  as we all know, trust is something you work a lifetime to achieve, but takes a split second to destroy. i may forgive, but i never forget why i forgave. unfortunately, he ruined it for the whole class.   never ever again would i write down in my little books my heart.  it's not that i don't trust them around now, but i will never be put in that position again.    

i am so grateful for this blog. i may not be funny all the time.  i may not be PC, or fair, or strong, or right. and i may start sentences with prepositions. but (see?  i did it again)  it's MINE.  it's my thoughts, it's my heart.  it's real, and open, and honest and scary and wonderful and full of horrible grammar and terrible run-on sentences and lack of punctuation.  i'm past the hearts and smiles, past the rainclouds....

i'm stronger.  i'm confident. i know where i stand, what my strengths and weaknesses are . i know what i offer, what i need to improve and my standing on many issues.  looking through these last few blogs, i've noticed that the basic things i thought were the BIG deals, the things i thought were NAIVE, are exactly the things in life that will always be there, i just didn't know i knew it......  the males won't understand the females, everything is ridiculously expensive, and mom and dad have always been one step above brilliant.  

i've also learned one more important thing.  you can take a lot of things from me... a piece of my heart, a tear in my trust, and falter my steadiness for a minute....... but you will NEVER take my pink pen from me. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

are you an "innie" or an "outtie"?

i appreciate your ideas for my challenge. however, i feel that i have been misread on a few accounts..... i don't have time to watch a lot of TV and second, when i do somehow manage to find a sparse minute that i can sit down and watch something that's been DVR'd, 99.98% of the time its something off the history channel or a&e. no offense to you that watch the so called "reality" shows, but i find the last thing i want to do when i find time is watch MORE jackasses running around.... i see enough of that on a daily basis. besides, mom said if i role my eyes too much-they are in danger of staying that way. i'm scared that they have become severely close to that edge.

i did receive a few unbelievable topics that i can not WAIT to get into. wow. i love love love the way you guys think. all these fun, intreguing, complicated little (big?) brains running around... it's no wonder i adore you all.

my winning brain teaser was this: to get a sense of personality traits... specifically the view of an introvert ( we'll call him Mr. M) from an extrovert (me) and vice versa.... also what it's like to see things differently. at least that's what i understood (Mr. M is incredibly smart and i was so excited about this chall.... nevermind. point.)

let's define the bases, shall we? my "vast" knowledge of computers shows the "cut and paste" philosophy. just follow.

INTROVERT....Contrary to what most people think, an introvert is not simply a person who is shy. In fact, being shy has little to do with being an introvert! Shyness has an element of apprehension, nervousness and anxiety, and while an introvert may also be shy, introversion itself is not shyness. Basically, an introvert is a person who is energized by being alone and whose energy is drained by being around other people.

Introverts are more concerned with the inner world of the mind. They enjoy thinking, exploring their thoughts and feelings. They often avoid social situations because being around people drains their energy. This is true even if they have good social skills. After being with people for any length of time, such as at a party, they need time alone to "recharge."

EXTROVERT....Most people believe that an extrovert is a person who is friendly and outgoing. While that may be true, that is not the true meaning of extroversion. Basically, an extrovert is a person who is energized by being around other people. This is the opposite of an introvert who is energized by being alone.

Extroverts tend to "fade" when alone and can easily become bored without other people around. When given the chance, an extrovert will talk with someone else rather than sit alone and think. In fact, extroverts tend to think as they speak, unlike introverts who are far more likely to think before they speak. Extroverts often think best when they are talking. Concepts just don't seem real to them unless they can talk about them; reflecting on them isn't enough

it's probably no shock that i am probably a poster child for the stereotypical extrovert... lampshade included (not recently...).  i'll talk to anyone. about anything. usually until they get annoyed and leave.  i really like debates (ok, arguments.  friendly fire, if you will). i make my money by being quippy and "funny" (relative term, i suppose).  i'm pretty darn comfortable in any social situation, so much so that i NEED social interaction.  however, being like this has it's faults.  i've gotten myself into a lot of trouble with this mouth.  my filter is lacking, i'm sometimes insensitive, and there's been more than a few scrappy altercations because of it.

i married an introvert.

he's quiet.... i do all the talking.  he's a homebody... i'm out on the town.  he's a thinker... i'm the doer.
he nods while i talk talk talk talktalktalk. he analyzes... i over analyze or not at all.

there are a few things one should know about our beloved introverts. 

*If a person is introverted, it does NOT mean they are shy or anti-social.
Introverts have more brain activity in their frontal lobes and when these areas are activated through solitary activity, introverts become energized through processes such as problem solving, introspection, and complex thinking. Extroverts on the other hand tend to have more activity in the back of their brain, areas that deal with processing sensory information from the external world, so they tend to search for external stimuli in the form of interacting with other people and the outside world to energize them. There’s a deeper science to this that involves differences in the levels of brain chemicals such as acetylcholine and dopamine in extroverts and introverts, but I won’t get into that.
*Introverts tend to dislike small talk.
Introverts tend to love deep conversations on subjects that interest them. They love to debate, go past the superficial and poke around the depths in people’s minds to see what’s really going on in there. Most, if not all introverts tend to regard small talk as a waste of time, unless it’s with someone new they just met. This characteristic probably contributes to another misconception that extroverts have of introverts - the misconception that all introverts are arrogant.
*Introverts do like to socialize – only in a different manner and less frequently than extroverts. 
introverts can do a lot of things extroverts are naturally good at - give great speeches, schmooze with everyone, be the life of the party, charm the socks off of total strangers - but only for a short period of time. After that, they need time for themselves which brings us to the fourth point.

*Introverts need time alone to recharge.
Extroverts tend to think introverts have something against them as they constantly seem to refuse generous invites to social engagements. Introverts do appreciate the offers, but it’s just that they know it will take a lot of energy out of them if they pursue these social functions.
*Introverts are socially well adjusted 
Most introverts are well aware of all the social nuances, customs, and mannerisms when it comes to interacting with other people, but they simply don’t choose to socialize as much as extroverts, which makes it easy for extroverts to assume that introverts are not socially well adjusted, as they have not seen much evidence of them interacting with other people. This just exacerbates previous misconceptions and gives way to labeling introverts as nerds, geeks, loners, etc.

it's pretty easy to see why society places a "higher" value on extroverts.  absolutely UNFAIR  and a load of rubbish.  being one way or the other isn't "right or wrong" just different.  it's a respect thing.  one human showing respect to another for being HUMAN... unique, true, open and honest about life and their emotions (freaked you all out again.  emotionemotionemotion)

thank you, Mr. M.  you've opened up my mind to a whole new concept of life on the quiet side.  i can't say that i'll stay here long, but the 30 minutes i've put into this in silence has left  the male introvert in this household VERY happy.

lets get a beer, soon.   i'll bring the lampshade.

Monday, October 11, 2010

what do snow, nickleback, and sunscreen have in common?

(i promise. i promise to keep this post light.) one of the best things about having best friends is the push they give you. i wasn't going to write tonight, but due to the overwhelming (!) response i've received (THANK YOU! THANK YOU!)and Maryann starting my brain on overdrive, with Nancy right behind... here we go.

"If you could go back in time and meet your 16-year-old self, what three things would you tell yourself?" intriguing. but ONLY three things? no way. and, only from ONE year? not happening. so i'm taking snapshots. a few letters to myself then from myself now. maybe one to myself for the future me.

phase 1

"dear jenni....

it's 1993. you're a sophomore in high school. kurt cobain has changed the face of music (buy flannel now. eddie bower. and doc martens) speaking from future experience there are a few things you should know:

*change your name. drop the Jenni... seriously. put a stop to this right now.

*stop perming your hair. stop using aquanet. and, for the love of all thats good.. NEVER EVER use another curling iron on your bangs. you're gonna hate the pictures later, i don't care how cool you think you are now.

*see that boy there? Yes, him. Ugh, no, not him, behind him. HIM. he's gonna be your husband someday, but to be sure, do exactly what you did with him. NOTHING. don't speak more than you need to, make him smile, and leave a lasting SUBTLE impression.

*as for the rest of them, you should know mom and dad WERE right. date more, ask the boys out, and for heaven's sake: DO NOT have a serious boyfriend while you're in school. trust me....really trust me. pay attention to the guys you thought were dorks... you'll find out they are the coolest guys you've ever met.

*be nicer. buckle down for college. prepare better. know that many of these friendships will be strained, end, grow, and only the true ones will last.

*Invest in anything bill gates says. there's something called google coming in a few years... you should probably think about investing in internet programs. just looking out.

* remember the lyrics to all the songs. trust me on this.

*on that note: this guy never amounted to anything. i know that's hard to fathom.


Phase II

"Dear jenn....

it's 2002. nice work on that name change. you're still a dork, read too much, and why is that cat soooo fat? we're not done yet. you really believe that you know everything, but trust me, 25 year old you is still ridiculously naive.... you're not such a flake, but work on your common sense. a few things to remind you of....

*chop up the credit cards. just do this. please please please. this war thing is gonna be a lot worse and the repercussions are going to be awful.

*you will kiss a lot more frogs. you will get your heart broken (it will heal). treasure the lessons you'll learn and run when those flags appear. run.

*stay up later, party more (but responsibly), take more pictures, live your life with confidence.

*the friends you make now are your friends for life. take care of them, be there for them and they'll do the same for you.

*don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as
effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing

*see these guys? you'll really learn to dislike their entire catalog.

best wishes,

phase III

"dear jen....

it's 2010. 33, huh? not at all where you expected to be, right? i hear that's normal. well, congrats. after all the heartbreaks, you finally landed that guy from school. nice work. he's still hot. roll with the punches... life is gonna be easier and rougher at the same time. there's too much to say about life, but i guess that's why you have a blog. be grateful for your friends, for family, work, love and forgiveness.

and there's this. ALL of this. pay attention.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be
it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by
scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable
than my own meandering
experience…I will dispense this advice now.
*Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not
understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.
But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and
recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before
you and how fabulous you really looked….

*You’re not as fat as you imagine.

Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as
effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing

The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that
never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm
on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing everyday that scares you


Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with
people who are reckless with yours.


Don’t waste your time on jealousy;

sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind…the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.

Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you
succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.

Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your
life…the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they
wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year
olds I know still don’t.

Get plenty of calcium.

Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone.

Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll have children,maybe
you won’t, maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the funky
chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…

what ever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either – your choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s.

Enjoy your body, use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people
think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever

Dance…even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them.

Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the
people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you
should hold on.

Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live
in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.


Accept certain inalienable truths: prices will rise, politicians will
philander, you too will get old, and when you do you’ll fantasize
that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were
noble and children respected their elders. Respect your elders.

Don’t expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund,
maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one
might run out.

Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will
look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who
supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of
fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the
ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen…

Sunday, October 10, 2010

To err is human, to forgive...... divine.

sometimes it's tough to be human. aside from all the stresses, and the bills, and the jobs, and the family, and the self maintenance and and and...that's life. i'm not talking life today. i'm talking human.


easily, i've lost a few of my readers now. probably due to the fact that discussions of emotions are the pink elephant in the room; the things easier turned away from; the embarrassment of the stuff swept under the proverbial life rug and ignored.

but why?? why do we shy away from the things that every person that has ever lived feels? one could argue the fact that we all feel the same basic emotions (love, joy, anger, sadness, fear), but we feel them in different ways. one could argue that emotions are learned and taught instead of given, or that you are genetically predisposed to a specific emotion that defines their being daily. i'm not even going to touch that. that's not what i'm about. well, that's not what i'm about TODAY.

i'm also aware that there is a very very very broad spectrum of emotions that are covered under the umbrella of the some what vague 5 emotions that i gave above..... (see http://changingminds.org/explanations/emotions/basic%20emotions.htm)

i'm pretty sure that we shy away from discussing emotions is the fact that it's a powerful, painful experience. we've all shared the same emotions, so it should be so much easier to relate to one another. to empathize, to sympathize, to feel.. but it's certainly not. emotions are far to intimate, far to embarrassing, far to scary to be broadcasting around all willy-nilly.

but... my blog. i'm gonna do it. don't panic, gentle reader. i'm only gonna touch base on an emotion that has me all tore up. i'm not even sure what category it falls under.. because frankly. it feels like it encompasses all of them.

i care too much. i can see how you're probably laughing about that right now- provided all my rants about customers and the stupidity of the general public, but push them aside for a moment. if i know YOU... i care about you. deeply.
i was taught early on never to burn bridges..... and, for the most part, i've followed that. i'm still friends with many of my old coworkers, bosses, and ex-boyfriends. i'm friends with people that have stabbed me in the back, the front, and have torn out the pieces of my shattered heart. forgiveness is a virtue, and i'd really love to be forgiven for some of the stunts i've pulled.

the cost of these relationships to be mended is huge. it's a lot of hours, usually by email or the phone: rehashing what went wrong, who misunderstood whom, who felt what when, and trying not to point fingers. there's always a million tears, a thousand realizations, putting yourself under the microscope, the humility and the embarrassment. no matter how angry i was at you, once these steps have been completed, i forgive you. we move on. and i have a whole new respect for you. you also receive, as a bonus gift, my undying concern for you.

i'm not nosy. i ask a million questions because i want to know things, to understand, to relate. i want to help/ to make sure the choices you made were right for you/ to believe that you are in the best place you could possibly be. i have so much love for you all, you need to know that.

if you and i have had a falling out, i'm extending this as an apology. no excuses, but time changes people. i'm willing to forgive and forget, to move on, to build anew.
challenge yourself to reach out to the people that have hurt you, no matter how scary or how angry it could be. i promise, that even if the result isn't what you expected, you'll sleep a little better.

and because i love you all so much, i'll sleep better too. if you don't do it for you, do it for my sleeping patterns. nobody likes a crabby waitress.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

.....probably no more than you'd care for a uterus in your wallet.

let's talk, shall we? or given the circumstance, i'll type and you read.

this whole "where do you set your purse, but keep it a secret from the guys" thing really drives me nuts. i hate it. WHO CARES? i read a few posts from a friends page yesterday.. and it really got me thinking....although, one could probably put plastic wrap in front of me and i would ponder that indefinitely also. my friends friend was arguing the fact that posts like this "overtly sexualize facebook"....at least that's what i think she was trying to say. i thought that was HILARIOUS, being that facebook is probably pretty darn tame compared to what a few simple clicks could find you. the internet isn't known first hand for it's wealth of knowledge. that's neither here nor there.

the point of all this, the part that bothers me-infuriates me- is the part that wants us to believe that men are so stupid, so meatheaded, so clueless... that they can't figure this out. what we are really showing ourselves is that WE are so stupid, so SELFISH, so egotistical as females.

i waited on a table last night. a young family with four kids under the age of four. i watched the poor husband drag in child after child while his wife pointed the way, barked the orders, tried to run the whole circus. now, i don't know anything about this family and their dynamic... but my heart bleed for this poor guy. he was obviously just out of work for the day, and every choice he was contemplating for dinner was met with a contradiction from the wife. poor guy just wanted a beer. she made him drink diet coke. he wanted alfredo, she made him get marinara. he was deflated, sad, tired. the wife and husband didn't talk. or sit by each other. it was about the hellions.... er, kids.

I'll stop to take a breather here. mothers, please pay attention here. please. i understand that mothers are different. kids first... and please don't give me that shit about me not understanding "because i don't have kids". on the contrary, i have 3. i didn't birth them, but they are still my kids. end of debate. no, i'm not done. if i hear this anymore, about my not understanding what it's like.... trust me, i wouldn't stick around to see my reaction. breather over..

i'm just gonna say it.... his balls were in her purse.

now, i carry a lot of stuff in my purse. but i don't want any balls in my purse. call me crazy, but i don't want them. probably no more than you'd care for a uterus in your wallet. that was gross. sorry.

ladies, please give your husband, boyfriend, significant other, his balls back. let him make his own choices, live his own life, let him be respected. he is a PERSON, a HUMAN, a MAN.

let's stop this demoraliztion of males. don't make them buy tampons, or hold your purse, or iron your panties ( unless you designated chores, but seriously, who does this?). he provides for you, he loves you, he does a LOT. give the man some credit, a voice; let him watch the game, play video games at obscene levels, and paint his body for football games. let the boys be boys.

and when you do give him his balls back.... realize that he's not an idiot. he just let you hold onto them so you'd shut up.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

pink vs. blue

i've done a lot of traveling this week. along with the traveling came a LOT of emotions. while in detroit, i met up with quite a few old friends. friends that i thought i had lost for many reasons. friends, that i found out, hadn't been lost at all. friends that picked up exactly where we left off. so heather, amber, matt and ben.... i thank you. you have done so much for my spirit and no matter what the reason being that we haven't connected previously, i thank you for making my heart fill with love and a sense of home. for those of you that i didn't see.... there's another adventure coming ... i'm sure.

i also ended up with an absolute horrific cold and sinus infection... one requiring antibiotics and codine. not terrific. alieve cold and sinus is nothing short of a miracle. being the giving person that i am, i promptly passed this on to cory.... although where he picked up the pukey stomach bug is beyond me.

this weekend was spent at a love and respect marriage seminar in grand rapids. 2 days of learning love and respect. we were so fortunate to go with 2 of our dearest friends, rae and brody. i knew that if the seminar was a flop, i could rely on these 2 to keep me entertained. the seminar wasn't a flop.

what i'm about to tell you is about to change your life... if you choose to accept this mission. or don't. i was so overwhelmed by this concept that it still hasn't sunk in and i'm a little angry that i didn't think of this. this isn't just for marriages; it's for relationships. EVERY relationship. if you follow this blog, and i'll try not to fault you if you don't, you are familiar with how i feel about relationships. they're kinda a big deal.

so here it is. hang on.

women think in pink.. men think in blue.


simple right? ehhhhh. not so much

i'll break it down as simple as i can... otherwise you have to buy the book "Love and Respect" by Emerson Eggriches, ph.d..... or you can pay ME $35 to go thru this with you (also, just buy the book... i don't have the time to make house calls)

the basis is this. women are motivated by love (pink) and men are motivated by respect (blue).

women see in pink.. we talk thru pink, hear in pink, reason in pink. men do the same in blue. which is why i talk to my giirlfriends in pink and they UNDERSTAND in pink. but when i talk to blue in pink... everything is confusing. capish?

you guys have a code all your own. you talk in grunts. you point. details are often scarce. things are or they're not. and the other blues UNDERSTAND YOU. it's not wrong, just different.

females talk in detail. in great rambling run-on sentences. with points all over the place. i am terribly terribly terribly guilty of this. i throw everything at you and then get back (psssh. or not) to the original point light years later. you've seen this in me. i'm not apologizing... the girls follow. the boys are polite and just let me go.

in a very brief summary... (buy the book) here's the dilly

women.... to receive love from a man, speak and act with respect.

men.... to receive respect from a woman, speak and act with love

this is so simple. something so simple has revolutionized my entire thought process. i've thought that's logical, that's ridiculous, that's absurd... "it's all about love...love love love" EVEN THE BEATLES WERE WRONG. if john, paul, ringo and george got it wrong, this must be true. i've took a step back and analyzed this. i like the concept. i LOVE the concept.

I RESPECT the concept.

so follow. read. think. play around with this. i've got workbooks that i would love to show you. i'm not selling you amway. i didn't drink the punch (although the coffee was EXCELLENT..?) i'm not brainwashed. i'm not a zombie- although that would be AWESOME. i've just found something that i think taking a long glace at is worthwhile.

if i would have known this is the midst of the dating confusion, this may have changed everything. would i still be where i am right now? hmmmm. that's tough to say, but i'm pretty sure that there could've been a lot of broken hearts, angry words, and tears spared.

so here i am.... a pink. speaking blue.. it's unnatural. it's not easy. i can already see the benefits. guys thanks for your time.. speak pink. speak with love and you'll naturally get that respect you deserve.

ps. ladies... i told mr blue that i respected what he provides to this family and the garbage was taken out. and he did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. i'm just saying......

let's talk pinks soon, shall we?