i have a really hard time saying "no". i get it from my mother. i suppose it's not the worst quality i possess, but i fight with it. "hey jen, could you give these flea ridden cats a home?" yes. "hey, jen. .. could you pick up a shift in between your other jobs?" yes. "hey jen, could you stick your hand in the drain since something probably died down there a year ago and i lost my earring?" yes. i should probably just walk away any time i hear "hey, jen".
the "yes, man syndrome" has consequences....although i'm hopeful that there's a gabillion gold stars in my karmic future. i work too much, i sacrifice time with family, i dig through dumpsters for perfect strangers dental devices, and clean up other peoples messes....literally and figuratively. i'm somewhat of a human bandaid; the mediator. i'd prefer to label myself as the voice of reason.... but for fear that would make me a giant liar. my reason and logic are perfect in my head, but my lack of filter often causes trouble in translation. (i don't mean any harm to you (usually. you'd be plenty aware if i did. no misunderstanding there)). the result is me also making poor choices. this isn't going where you're expecting. actually, i've completely lost my train of thought and have no way to bridge these 2 segments together. i don't know where i was going.
i'll just cut to the point (? point? really? ignore that. no point here. ever) poor choices and music.
i've never really been "known" for anything. i'm not the girl with the great fashion style, or the employee that rolls silverware perfect, or having a photographic memory, or having the laundry done and put away (that's REALLY funny). if anything i can stake as my *claim to fame* is my exceptional taste in poor music. some would probably argue that it's my exceptionally poor taste in exceptionally poor music. i'm partial to the former.
my argument is the basis that music represents a time in my life that was meaningful. a melodic time stamp, if you'll allow me. i can hear a song and remember where i was, what was happening, and the exact emotion i felt (and still feel) from it. happy, angry, excited, confused, in love, hating love...etc etc.
i like visual examples. i will hereby project visual examples onto your screen and earworms into your canals. you can thank me later.
i blame MTV for starting me off with this. i'm 4... and very impressionable.
my first cassette tape. my first true loves.
the first song that i ever danced with a boy.... 7th grade. we "broke up" after mili vanilli did. he gave me a New Kids on the Block tape. (i'll spare you that video..i guess because this one is better?)
the song from high school... the boys, the jobs, the boys,the football games, the boys
oh look.... we're cruising westnedge. looking for boys in my parents delta 88. we're also at keggers bar. a lot.
i'm a freshman at WMU. there's no way you can prove that we stole these cafeteria trays to sled down the valley 2 hill with, officer. and who punched a hole in the fire extinguisher glass, boys?
i'm divorced. and i still hate this group.
i partied too much, never came home, and had the some of the best years of my life. this song says it all.
i broke up a life long friendship due to an argument over this. true story. they're still not very close friends.
this. just this.
i'm growing up. i "get" this. it kills me every stinking time.... my heart is in here.
this. is. my. anthem. THIS IS ME.
i could do this forever. i love this. judge me all you want. my cd collections are jumbled, sporadic, seizure inducing mixes of mayhem. they tell my stories, speak the words that my heart can't find in it's pain,... make me laugh that i, at one time, could cabbage patch and roger rabbit along with my friends to vanilla ice. music is my boyfriend. my first love, my perfect love.
it's bad music.... i know. make fun all you want, but be a teeny bit jealous... can you reply your life via your ipod? after all, it's my music, my life. same as it ever was.