i've done a lot of traveling this week. along with the traveling came a LOT of emotions. while in detroit, i met up with quite a few old friends. friends that i thought i had lost for many reasons. friends, that i found out, hadn't been lost at all. friends that picked up exactly where we left off. so heather, amber, matt and ben.... i thank you. you have done so much for my spirit and no matter what the reason being that we haven't connected previously, i thank you for making my heart fill with love and a sense of home. for those of you that i didn't see.... there's another adventure coming ... i'm sure.
i also ended up with an absolute horrific cold and sinus infection... one requiring antibiotics and codine. not terrific. alieve cold and sinus is nothing short of a miracle. being the giving person that i am, i promptly passed this on to cory.... although where he picked up the pukey stomach bug is beyond me.
this weekend was spent at a love and respect marriage seminar in grand rapids. 2 days of learning love and respect. we were so fortunate to go with 2 of our dearest friends, rae and brody. i knew that if the seminar was a flop, i could rely on these 2 to keep me entertained. the seminar wasn't a flop.
what i'm about to tell you is about to change your life... if you choose to accept this mission. or don't. i was so overwhelmed by this concept that it still hasn't sunk in and i'm a little angry that i didn't think of this. this isn't just for marriages; it's for relationships. EVERY relationship. if you follow this blog, and i'll try not to fault you if you don't, you are familiar with how i feel about relationships. they're kinda a big deal.
so here it is. hang on.
women think in pink.. men think in blue.
simple right? ehhhhh. not so much
i'll break it down as simple as i can... otherwise you have to buy the book "Love and Respect" by Emerson Eggriches, ph.d..... or you can pay ME $35 to go thru this with you (also, just buy the book... i don't have the time to make house calls)
the basis is this. women are motivated by love (pink) and men are motivated by respect (blue).
women see in pink.. we talk thru pink, hear in pink, reason in pink. men do the same in blue. which is why i talk to my giirlfriends in pink and they UNDERSTAND in pink. but when i talk to blue in pink... everything is confusing. capish?
you guys have a code all your own. you talk in grunts. you point. details are often scarce. things are or they're not. and the other blues UNDERSTAND YOU. it's not wrong, just different.
females talk in detail. in great rambling run-on sentences. with points all over the place. i am terribly terribly terribly guilty of this. i throw everything at you and then get back (psssh. or not) to the original point light years later. you've seen this in me. i'm not apologizing... the girls follow. the boys are polite and just let me go.
in a very brief summary... (buy the book) here's the dilly
women.... to receive love from a man, speak and act with respect.
men.... to receive respect from a woman, speak and act with love
this is so simple. something so simple has revolutionized my entire thought process. i've thought that's logical, that's ridiculous, that's absurd... "it's all about love...love love love" EVEN THE BEATLES WERE WRONG. if john, paul, ringo and george got it wrong, this must be true. i've took a step back and analyzed this. i like the concept. i LOVE the concept.
I RESPECT the concept.
so follow. read. think. play around with this. i've got workbooks that i would love to show you. i'm not selling you amway. i didn't drink the punch (although the coffee was EXCELLENT..?) i'm not brainwashed. i'm not a zombie- although that would be AWESOME. i've just found something that i think taking a long glace at is worthwhile.
if i would have known this is the midst of the dating confusion, this may have changed everything. would i still be where i am right now? hmmmm. that's tough to say, but i'm pretty sure that there could've been a lot of broken hearts, angry words, and tears spared.
so here i am.... a pink. speaking blue.. it's unnatural. it's not easy. i can already see the benefits. guys thanks for your time.. speak pink. speak with love and you'll naturally get that respect you deserve.
ps. ladies... i told mr blue that i respected what he provides to this family and the garbage was taken out. and he did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. i'm just saying......
let's talk pinks soon, shall we?